Our brokerage has been fortunate to be involved in a broad spectrum of transactions through the years, from home sales to townhouses and mobile homes in the residential field, to multi-residential, retail and investment properties in the commercial field. Along the way, we have written a large number of commercial leases and built a property management division that handles tenancies of all types. We also handle quite a few business opportunity sales, and in recent years we have also become involved in new residential development.
Common between all of these activities is that they involve real life situations, and given the sheer number of different types of people, services and transactions we handle, it is crucial to have the right systems and knowledge base to draw upon in order to ensure that our agents and support staff have the skills and resources to uphold the interests of the people who rely on us to do the job they hired us to do.
We were recently reminded of the scope and extent of our services when a new licensee interviewed with me and asked for us to provide some statistics on our business. In responding to their request for data, we realized that we rarely stop and take stock of our operation, because we are generally too absorbed in the projects of the day to spend time counting.
When we counted it all up, we were pleasantly surprised, but reminded of the benefit of the diverse range of things we handle, which often have different cycles from one segment to the next. And since we base our foundation more on the quality of our services than the production numbers, after sharing some amazement at what we have been able to achieve, it gives us a sense of gratitude for the culture we enjoy and the many people we interact with every day.
We are at a point now where we are actively adding several new team members to help with the increased workload so we can maintain the same level of service, while also helping shape the growth and development of our team as they strive to build and chart their personal careers and paths to success.
One of the ways we do this is through direct mentorship, with the newer agents taking on some of the workload on the projects of an experienced mentor, who in turn is able to pass on their hard-won wisdom, and they share a portion of the commission when the sale or lease is completed. The new agent’s share tends to grow over time as they become more experienced, until they can confidently and competently handle things just with the help of our transaction coordinator and occasional guidance from me as the managing broker.
Three decades after we started this company, I couldn’t be more pleased with how it has evolved, and with all the little adjustments made along the way, it is always our goal that we will continue to improve our services and the all-important relationship with our clients.